David Harding
David Harding is the director of Winton Capital, one of the 10 largest investment companies in the UK. Harding has long been interested in Gerd Gigerenzer's research and has already made a name in the field by endowing a chair in risk communication at the University of Cambridge.
2.2 Million Euros for the Harding Center
Having read Gigerenzer’s book Reckoning with Risk (US: Calculated Risks), which was nominated for the Royal Society’s „Science Book Prize“, Harding was excited enough to give a copy of this book to each of his employees. After a public lecture by Gigerenzer in London, which was attended by Harding and his employees, the two men had dinner together – and the idea of a reseach center for risk literacy was born. Their idea became reality thanks to Harding’s generous donation of 2.2 million euros, which enabled the foundation of the Harding Center for Risk Literacy.
The role of the Max Planck Society
In return for Harding’s donation, the Max Planck Society provides the facilities and staff support for the Center. This alliance ensures both truly independent research and that a broad public is informed about the research findings. The Harding Center for Risk Literacy officially opened in spring 2009.
The Harding Center in Potsdam
In the beginning of 2020, the Harding Center moved into its new premises in Potsdam Griebnitzsee. The center is now part of the Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg at the University of Potsdam. David Harding continues his financial support for another five years.